Poet and Workshop Artist

Beryl the Feral

You can catch Beryl teaching, or onstage in your local community, saying funny things. Hosting bespoke creative workshops, co-ordinating poetry events, and delivering her own written and spoken material; Beryl lives to loosen-up those Wonder-muscles and feed fascination at both the complicated and the mundane. She aspires to inspire; inciting playful inquiry and encouraging appreciation with all her work.
Among her accolades, Beryl has been published by Burning Eye books with her own collection; 'My Other Poems are Funnier'; as well as appearances in other publications like children’s anthologies by Bloomsbury and Walker books, the Transition Town Handbook, and the Rosa Rot feminist journal. So far she is also the creator of six well-selling handmade zines, as well as miniature poetry cards and a self-published book; which can only be found in a few independent stores, and after gigs.
During her career Beryl has been commissioned for an interventional piece at the Whitstable Art Biennale, and to perform in shops and public venues as part of the Take-Art performance poetry project in Crewkerne, as well as winning two Hammer and Tongue poetry slams, and assistant directing for the Hip Yak Poetry School.
She was a proud co-facilitator of several incredible series of WordPlay ‘performance poetry on prescription’ workshops, for adults with mental health concerns; in association with the NHS, as well as having delivered a variety of workshops in schools and community groups, such as poetry for memory loss, with Literature Works.
These days along with Tom Hirons, she is a co-founder of FERAL ANGELS events, bringing poetry through from the wild corners of true-places; hosting workshops and wilderness-fasting retreats for intrepid poets.
Beryl has performed many times with her creative Counterpart Liv Torc, touring two woman shows such as; ‘For Our Sins’ & ‘The Hot Potato Poetry Gameshow’ and playing at venues such as the prestigious Ways With Words literary festival. Liv and Beryl both helped to found the amazing Wondermentalist Cabaret, alongside Matt Harvey.
Beryl is the curator/coordinator of WordUp! Spoken Word stage at Buddhafield festival, Expressions stage at Womanfest, and was stage manager of the poetry stage at WOMAD for several years. In her spare time she has performed as guest-poet at the likes of the Hip Yak Poetry Shack, Frome Festival, Word Mustard, Taking the Mic, One Night Stanza, Ooh Beehive, Glasdenbury, AITM festival, and many more; and she also has a day-job in Participatory Arts and mentoring.
Beryl likes jumping, trees, and cake, and brushes her teeth for a really long time.