Spreading Hope!
These are dark days, it has to be said. Beryl the Feral has always been an advocate for mental health and transparency - but more and more I question how my poetry can actually be used to make a difference in the world...
That's one of the reasons I'm delighted to have one of my poems feature in this new book put together by the Samaritans. What a privilege to be selected, and what a good cause:

My People/ Shy people
My people ask questions.
My people don’t fit.
My people watch closely, defended by wit.
My people are careful,
they each have a shell -
and antennae, and radar. And whiskers as well...
My people are heroes;
unseen and unknown;
in gargantuan tasks like just leaving their home.
The heights they ascend would afear any man,
(if it weren’t for the depths where each time they began).
They come in all colours,
and sizes, and types.
They worry too much about getting things right.
They’re absorbent,
afflicted by oversized hearts.
They are rubbish at small-talk, but awesome at Art.
My people are braver than you could believe;
with their heart in their throats and their guts on their sleeve.
My people are epic, majestic and wise;
but mostly they’ll tell you that’s nonsense and lies.
Just because we’re not shouting, doesn’t mean we don’t get it.
My people will rarely be taking the credit.
My people are anxious
but don’t make a fuss.
If you’re bewildered by humans, than you’re one of us...
We cannot do parties,
but boy can we cry -
there’s no guarantee that we even know why.
My people are playful,
embrace the absurd;
they are wanderers, seekers, and misfits, and nerds.
They are pirates and pagans and poets and queers.
My people are awesome,
I’m so glad you’re here.