All Systems GooOOoo!
Watch out for Beryl next week performing at the comeback of 'Word Command' in Exeter, she's been asked for a pre-gig interview so that may be online sometime soon...
But First; Wow! Thanks to the Arts Council our proposed Hip Yak Poetry School for May 2019 is going ahead!
We intend to gather a selection of the highest quality poets and facilitators from the South West, and host a 3-day residential for aspiring poets to learn all the tricks of the trade, form a personal career strategy, and network for new collaborations.
Some of the incredible teaching will be posted online and or live-streamed, and ultimately the whole South West literature scene will benefit, from more and better gigs, and skilled artists...
Watch the whole trailer on this page, or send us an application!
As well as teaching, Beryl will be hosting warm-ups each day, managing the site, and graphic recording the grand debate on the future of Spoken Word.